Jade and I were in her room putting away her clothes (
ok, lets be honest; I was putting away her clothes. She was padding around giggling at who knows what.) She left her room and went into her bathroom, which was strange on two accounts. She rarely leaves a room by herself, and the bathroom is boring.
Everything is locked up and kid-proof. I figured she would come right back in the room, but after a few seconds I heard a tiny little voice saying, "Blow. blow." Immediately followed by the sound of her actually blowing her nose. She didn't seem me peek around the corner, nor did she hear me laugh. So I grabbed my camera as quick as I could.
Now what to do with all this?
She tried putting it in the vent.

She was so proud of herself. She kept trying to hand me the gooey tissue as she excitedly
exclaimed, "
yay! Jade blow!"
She knows not to unroll the toilet paper. But she wasn't playing. She was sincerely trying to blow her nose. lol. i couln't be mad as I cleaned up the mess. it just isn't possible, i tell you.