Saturday, October 9, 2010

To kick of Christopher's four day weekend we took the girls to this great park for a picnic. We had so much fun playing and running around. This incredible weather has been awesome lately, it's great to be able to spend so much time outside.

I finally took my Canon out of the bag for the first time since we moved. I have missed it. Here are a whole bunch of pictures that I thought were too good to pass up. I was going to edit some of them, but I don't care that much. Screw photography or artistic anything, I'm just a mom in love with my kids. Enjoy.

These first few pictures of Christopher and Addison were taken while Addison was in trouble and having to sit on the bench for taking her shoes off too many times. She was supposed to learn a lesson.. I don't think she did. Addison loves cuddling with Christopher.

Addison's birthday part 1

Wow, Addison Rain turned 2!

I can't believe Addison is so big. Not only is she two, she's a very grown up two. I'm not really a fan of this. She tries so hard to keep up with Lorelei, while I wish she would just stay a little baby forever. Every single day she talks more and more. Her unintentional cursing is over for the most part as she is getting better and better at pronouncing words. This, too, makes me sad. She wears 2T and 3T, her shoe size is exactly one size smaller than Lorelei's. She has a red headed temper that is mixing nicely with terrible twos, and is big enough to decide just how obstinate she is going to be.

Amidst all the down side to all this light-speed growing, is a lot of wonderfulness that I am so blessed to witness. Her personality has been evident since she was tiny, but it's been so fun to see her discover it herself. SHe is one of the most dramatically expressive little people I've ever seen. She has a big imagination and loves using it. We spend hours playing in her little kitchen. With everything she 'makes', she warns me that it is either too hot, too cold, or too yucky so I have to give a dramatic show of reaction. She then in turn does the same thing. Her facial expressions for things like hot and cold are incredible. I hope I can capture them on video. Often, she pretends to dump her invisible pancakes on the ground, and then goes into fake mournful tears that last entirely too long. I can't wait to see how God uses these little aspects of who she is.

She is full of hugs, kisses, and cuddles. She is so content to just sit with us. She won't go to bed without some cuddle time. Of course, when she says it, "Tuddle me, mommy.", I can't help but laugh. I will 'tuddle' with this little one until she's a grown up if she'll let me. :) When she hears the front door she always comes running while yelling, "DaddyDaddyDaddyDaddyDaddyDaddyDaddyDaddyDaddyDaddy!!!!!!!!"
and nothing could be sweeter.

She loves music and much to my surprise can drum and clap to a beat. If there is music, she inevitably asks everyone to dance with her. She sings along with songs that I don't even know the words to. Music has always evoked such a different response from her than any other child I've seen. I have no doubt it will be a very big part of her life. I can't wait to see how.

She is big enough to have favorite books, songs, colors, and even shapes. She is all about Pirates as she walks around with one eye covered while shouting, "aye aye, Matey!"

She is learning to rhyme and count. She knows her colors, even though she'll intentionally answer them wrong and laugh because she thinks she's hilarious.

She is so smart. So bright. So beautiful. So full of joy.
We are so lucky to be her parents. We are blessed to help her grow up into the woman God has planned for her to be. I look at her, and I am overwhelmed by the task because she is destined for greatness. I don't say that lightly. Addison Rain is just such a unique little girl who has this incredibly ability to touch people's lives even at the little tiny age of two.

Lorelei picked a chocolate cake, white frosting and lots of pink sprinkles for Addison. ♥
Addison is so excited to be two. Being a 'big girl' is the most exciting thing to this tiny person

Celebrating together. They are best friends and it is so sweet.

Playing 'doctor' with the play set from Grandma and Grandpa. Such a great gift!!

More presents from Grandma and Grandpa!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i scream you scream

We're big ice cream fans. Well, we're not big, exactly, but if we keep eating ice cream we will be. We went to Cold Stone the other night and the girls both got their own little cups of ice cream of their choice. They both chose blue ice cream with 'sparkles'. :) Gross.

Addison's cup next to mine. We started at the same time. She didn't even spill a drip.

Lorelei shivering after demolishing her ice cream

I didn't use the term 'demolish' lightly.

This girl knows how to eat ice cream.

She was so careful and stayed so clean. I was amazed

I'm still trying to figure out when she got so big. Seriously.

Can we say, 'Daddy's girl'?

This is her favorite spot in the world.

finally fall

i ♥LOVE♥ fall
i love the colors, the smells, the change in season, and now that we're here in North Carolina- the change in temperature and heat index. I love that I can sit outside in the brisk cool air to enjoy a nice hot mocha or caramel macchiato. The only shame is how fast fall is over.

just a few random pics

Lorelei, herself, chose these first two pictures. She asked me to put them on my 'vlog' so Grandma could see them. :) The last few are some shots from the other day. I love these two little girls so much!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nina Joy

This is my friend, Nina.
I wonder if she reads my blog

♥ sisters ♥

I decided to do a post with a bunch of sister pictures. These two little girls love one another so much. When they're not together, they miss each other. When they wake up in the morning, they climb into the same bed and chat away. I love watching them play together and teach one another. They are amazing.

At Hume feeding ducks

They slept together almost every night while Chris was away

Getting ready to leave Papa and Lala's house after a nice little visit

Lorelei pushed the chairs together so they could share their snack after nap time

Playing together

Just after Addison came to us, Lorelei was so curious about her

Lorelei 2 years, Addison 4 months

getting dry after swimming

playing at the park November 2009

The day we got guardianship of Addison, also Addison's 8 month birthday

Sunbathing in the back of the truck at Pismo spring 2009

Lorelei 2 years, Addison 5 months

Tummy time!

Watching a movie together... they look scared.


This is Stephanie. She's shy. But a little less so after this day. We threw a little lingerie party for her before she got married and before the evening was over, she had to ask this guy for his underwear. It took a little coercing, but he gave in and gave 'em up. What a good sport.

I'm fairly certain Steph will hate me if she sees this. Eh. It's alright. Totally worth it.

catherine.. :)

Sometimes in life God blesses us with extraordinary friends. I've been lucky enough to have several. Catherine and I became great friends in an instant. We worked together for a day during the summer of 2005 at Hume. We were cleaning windows at Hickory Lodge and as we were talking we realized we had the same life! We grew up with the same set of circumstances, we're the exact same age, we have the same opinions and sense of humor, you name it- we're identical.

Now she lives at Hume Lake, and I don't anymore. That's sad to me. I'm glad we had a year there together to hang out and share lives. I wouldn't have survived the year without her help with the girls. Especially when Chris was gone for months. She would come over and just hang out and talk with me. She would force me to stop cleaning and just sit. I needed that.

I am so thankful for her in my life, even if we live on opposite sides of the country now. I can't wait to go back to California to visit and spend time with her and her two beautiful little boys.

I love you Catherine!