Lorelei turned 4. She is officially a kid. Gone are the days of toddlerhood. I love the little person she is becoming. She is so grown up and eager to do big girl things. She helps with laundry, dishes, cooking. She can shower and brush her teeth all by herself. She astounds me every single day with the new things she does and says. Her facial expressions are so mature, as is her attitude.
For her fourth birthday she wanted a Fancy Nancy party. Then she changed her mind and wanted a Princess party. I'm not much for the whole Disney thing, so we did a fancy dress up Princess party. We invited our favorite little friends and had a great time.
They girls worked together to get all dressed up. Then we made our own candy bracelets, and that was so much fun. After the bracelets we made our own ice cream sundaes (parfaits, as Fancy Nancy calls them). A little messy, but the girls loved having to much say as they created their own little treat.
When it came time to open gifts, Lorelei let everyone help her. I was surprised as the actual act of unwrapping presents excites her more than what's inside. It was so fun to watch all the girls get excited with Lorelei.
We are so blessed to have Addy, Shay and Emmy right across the street. I think we'd have lost our sanity a long time ago if it weren't for them. They make being away from our families a lot easier.
Happy Birthday Lorelei Jade!!
Christopher helping Lorelei get her birthday crown on.

Addison was so excited to get dressed up for the party. I think she did a great job putting together a 'fancy' outfit

Lorelei helping Shay get dolled up

So thankful to have lots of little girl friends

Making candy bracelets.

Addison showing off hers

Addy with her pretty creation

Shay showing me how hers matches her dress

She was really proud of her little bracelet.

Build your own ice cream sundaes.

All the girls took a few bites and were off to other activities. No surprise, Addison was there for the long haul. "I not finished mines ice cream yet!" she kept saying.

Blowing out her candle on her special individual cake.

Lorelei let everyone help her open presents, which was so adorable.

A special-made birthday card from Grandma and Grandpa.

Playing with all the loot.
Her Birthday Barbie from Uncle Even Army and Tete Becca- Complete with matching tiaras. Such a special present.