Saturday, September 27, 2008

okay, okay, okay..

I know the majority of my last blogs have all been pretty boring and all about Jade. Not that she's boring. You know what I mean. I miss actually writing about things. I think picture blogs are not me at all. I have all sorts of things to blog about, and yet instead I just post pictures. Granted, they're basically the cutest things ever, but nonetheless, boring. I think I just feel like I finally have some freedom to post about Jade. For several months I was so unsure of whether or not we would get to keep her. I didn't want to seem presumptuous, nor did I want to offend those of you who were hoping we wouldn't get to keep her. I couldn't blame you. But now that it seems more for sure, I just have to share with the world how amazing she is.

I'll write about something interesting soon. Well, it will be interesting to me anyway. You might not find it worth your time. But at least it will be words on a the page. Maybe I'll tell all about another giant lie I told. Those are always funny.


annamae said...

ok, all i have to say is that i'm personally partial to picture blogs. I love hearing and seeing what's going on in peoples lives, so as for me, keep the pictures coming! :)

Tilley said...

I'll keep pictures coming. I miss writing though. And my blog is my only real outlet for that. So I'll mix it up. :)

Unknown said...

So last time I saw you guys your husband told me he had created a blog, and I keep trying to go read it but there is nothing there. Please tell him that I'm waiting. I am also looking forward to tales of giant lies.