Now that it's cooling off (finally), we have been spending a lot of time at the parks around here. It's such a great way for the girls to burn off energy and play with someone other than me. Here are a few pictures.
Lorelei, Addison, and Kiarra. Kiarra is our little neighbor girl that
Lorelei loves to play with every minute of every day.

Lorelei and Addison sharing their snack with Elyse, a new friend
we just met that day. Lorelei asked for a Princess shirt like hers.
Ugh. I loath princess and character clothing.

Addison's sweet sweaty face. I think she was hugging this yellow
thing because it was nice and cool

Lorelei exclaiming to the world that she climbed up this
all by herself.

One of my very favorite pictures of the girls. Lorelei is so in awe of this slide
because it's a "slide for two people", and always insists that Addison go in it with her
since she can't possibly go down it alone.

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