Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pooh and Friends

it's a hair thing

I went a little lighter. I think I like it. I went to a different stylist this time and I think I'll definately go back to her again. She did a great job and I really like the way it turned out.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

never fails...

I swear it never fails. When I straighten my hair, it rains. This morning I got up a little earlier and blowdried and straightened my hair so I didn't look like a bumb. And just as is typical of such effort, the rained and the air is all humid and wet. Do we all realize what happens to hair like mine when there's moisture? It turns into a freaking afro. Ever seen the episode of Friends in Barbatos? Remember Monica's hair? Ok, mine's not that bad, but it's just as frustrating.

If straightening my hair seems more effective than a Native American rain dance, maybe I should move to some dried up desert and start growing pineapples. As long as I have my straightener, rain will come. even there. I'm sure of it.


My sister is graduating from boot camp! I'm so proud of her for making this decision and sticking to it. I'm a little (ok, a lot) jealous that practically my entire family is flying out to the graduation. I wish I could go. I think it's so great that everyone is pulling together and being so supportive of her. She is so incredible and can do anything. I'm glad she's finally realizing it.

I love you, 'Sister'!!! (inside joke)

Monday, April 21, 2008

my family

I get to see my family soon. I'm very excited. But not as excited as they must be, I know them miss me. :)


Yesterday was my day off. Here's how it went: I woke up sick. I had to work at 1. I had to drive weekend workers to Fresno. Upon arriving in Fresno, I was told I needed to drive to Bakersfield to pick up Joshua students. Got to Bakersfield, picked them up, and drove all the way home. Still feeling sick. I had to miss being with Jade the whole day. The only bright side to all this is the Starbucks I drank twice. My, how coffee makes everything better.

Monday, April 14, 2008

it just isn't possible, i tell you.

Jade and I were in her room putting away her clothes (ok, lets be honest; I was putting away her clothes. She was padding around giggling at who knows what.) She left her room and went into her bathroom, which was strange on two accounts. She rarely leaves a room by herself, and the bathroom is boring. Everything is locked up and kid-proof. I figured she would come right back in the room, but after a few seconds I heard a tiny little voice saying, "Blow. blow." Immediately followed by the sound of her actually blowing her nose. She didn't seem me peek around the corner, nor did she hear me laugh. So I grabbed my camera as quick as I could.

Now what to do with all this?
She tried putting it in the vent.

She was so proud of herself. She kept trying to hand me the gooey tissue as she excitedly exclaimed, "yay! Jade blow!"
She knows not to unroll the toilet paper. But she wasn't playing. She was sincerely trying to blow her nose. lol. i couln't be mad as I cleaned up the mess. it just isn't possible, i tell you.

Tiny Ballerinas

Here are just a few morsels of cuteness from the ballet portraits Haley and I did. I think these girls are almosot edible. We took hundreds of pictures, but I thought I'd post a couple for fun. Enjoy!

This last one is Lily. She's a favorite. ♥

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Long time coming

I know I haven't written in a while. But there's a great reason (of which I'm about to share with those of you who don't already know).

Since November we have been hoping to get custody of a precious little girl named Jade. God has been so faithful in making everything come together, even though the wait has been hard. We had to move in order to pass the home study. We had to buy all the necessary baby stuff to set her room up in case we got her. That was really hard for us considering our history of miscarriage and the inability to have a baby. Having a nursery all set up with no baby is such a strange and difficult thing. But we stepped out in faith and waiting for God to either make it happen or prepare us for it to not happen. We've been waiting and waiting. Finally, almost two weeks ago we got a call saying they were going to place her with us. It was so unreal as we opened the brand new car seat and put it in our truck, and put together the stroller and the rest of the stuff we had purchased but were prepared to return. A week ago today we drove down to So Cal and picked her up. We got to visit with her mom and dad for a little while before leaving town, and that was really nice.

Since being home, she has adjusted so well. She loves her little room with all her toys. We spend a lot of time in there playing. She has the sweetest little personality. Though we're hoping and praying that we get to adopt her, we know that she might go back to be with her mom and dad. And we're prepared for that (after all, that's where she belongs), but I honestly can't imagine her not being here. She is so wonderful.

Taken right after we picked her up. She wasn't quite sure what to think of everyone.