Sunday, November 21, 2010

littlest Little

I know I might say it often, but I really loath that my children are growing up so fast. This little girl was toothless and bald yesterday, I'm sure of it. Now she's tall, talking non stop, and excited about underwear. I can't figure out when she grew up so drastically, but I know I love the little person God has been molding her to be. She is so full of joy and spunk. She is always so silly and weird. I feel like she has us laughing to the point of tears every day. And she knows it.

Since I can't stop her from growing up, I'll just sit back in amazement and look forward to the incredible woman she is destined to be.

This is my little Addison Rain.

never gonna be ready

Lorelei Jade is obsessed with nuptials. In ever way, shape, and form- she is all about being a bride. Not just for dress up. She refers to husbands and wives as 'love you forevers' since after asking me why I wore a wedding ring. I explained that I wear it because Christopher gave it to me as a promise to love me forever, and likewise why he wears his.

She has never been the little girl under the illusion that she will one day grow up and marry her daddy. She's always had a pretty realistic perspective of marriage. Even when she would wrap herself in tulle and call herself a 'bribe'. And when she used to say she wanted to marry Jake Begines and finally had to come to terms with the fact that he didn't want to marry her.

Driving down the road the other day, she sits quietly for a few minutes [which never happens], then says with such sweet sincerely, "Mom... I don't know who I'm gonna marry." She was actually concerned and worried over the idea that she had no idea who she would her groom-to-be is. I explained to her that she was only three and didn't need to figure that out until she was a grown up and to that she replied, "Okay. Good."

Little does she know, there isn't a little boy out there who can grow into a man good enough, smart enough, strong enough, special enough, wise enough, driven enough, humble enough, passionate enough, thoughtful enough, patient enough, successful enough, talented enough, loving enough, to be her husband.

Although, judging by what I've seen thus far, she's going to be the most epic Bridezilla to ever exist. Ever. So, good luck to the man that thinks he's good enough, smart enough, strong enough, special enough, wise enough, driven enough, humble enough, passionate enough, thoughtful enough, patient enough, successful enough, talented enough, loving enough, to tackle that.

This little tiny girl is going to give us a run for our money. I just pray that God starts preparing us now for the day when we have to give her away.

nothing rhymes with orange. ...and sometimes that's okay

So, yes- I painted my living room orange. Well, not the whole room. Just two of the walls. Bold, I know. I am stepping out of the box and being brave with my decorating in a way I never have before. So far, I am loving it. Things are turning out exactly how I want them. Even though this room still has a long ways to go before it's done, I'm confident that it will be great when it's finished. Next up will be window treatments, end tables, new lamps, wall decor, and then some accents.

Boy am I lucky to have a husband who trusts me and allows me to do crazy things like paint orange on our walls.

Be bold. I dare you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

about me:

Hi. My name is Lorelei. I'm three, but I think I'm seventeen. My favorite color is green, I want a cat, I love math, I sometimes like my little sister. When I grow up I want to be a paratrooper-army-girl-doctor. Oh, and also, sometimes I cut my own hair and my mom has to chop it off to fix it.

lorelei jade..

I always tell Lorelei to stop growing. She always [and emphatically] tells me no, that she wants to grow up so she can be a big mom (and live in her own house with lots of cats...yeah, she's 'that' girl). I'm only half kidding when I tell her to stop growing up. I say half because, even though I wish it wholeheartedly, I know it's not possible. However, I am NOT prepared to walk into by bathroom to find this. She got herself dressed, put a self made pink bow in her hair and was putting on make up.

Part of me is glad I had the camera handy, and the other part of me [the majority, in case you were wondering] want to erase this from my memory and put her back in diapers.

time MUST slow down


.no words. just laughter.

oh sick little girl

Sweet hair, Addison! What type of product do you use that it would stand straight up like that? Snot, you say? Well, that's just lovely.

Addison's Birthday part 2

Addison never liked a pacifier until she was about 10 months old. From that point on, she was hooked. Part of me was very thankful she had something to help comfort her and sooth her, and the other part of me loathed the fact that I knew a battled was impending. I knew the time woudl come to wean her off it, and I dreaded that.

Lorelei was easy; if she went to sleep without it, Christopher would take her for a quad ride the next day. Never one little fuss. It worked like a charm. Of course we wouldn't be so lucky with Addison.

I wanted to take it from her when she turned one, but she was still dealing with her cut of finger, and I felt bad. Then we knew Christopher was leaving for the Army, and I wanted both the girls to have whatever comfort measures they needed as they adjusted to not having him around. Always one thing after another, like chicken pox, ear infections, busted lips, more chicken pox, driving across country, settling in, you name it.

So, the decision was made that when she turned two, she wouldn't have it any more. No matter what. This became an easier and easier decision to make as she suddenly began waking up throughout the night crying because she couldn't find it. "Paciiii! Paciii!", and of course I would have to get up, find it in the dark, and give it back to her. NO thank you.

Our gift for Addison was easy to decide on. It was the very thing Lorelei got for her birthday earlier in the year from Grandma and Grandpa. Build-A-Bear. Addison has been envious ever since. We knew she would love it. It had a twist, however. Much like any good gift should- she had to put her favorite pacifier into the stuffed animal she chose. This way, she still had her pacifier to sleep with, but not in the same way.

She was all prepared. She knew when she turned two she was 'big' and didn't need baby things anymore. We walked into the shop and she pondered the wall of stuffed animal options finally settling on a soft brown bunny with long ears. She willingly placed her pacifier inside and watched as it got stitched up. She instinctively grabbed the bunny, squeezing and smashing until she felt the exact placement of the pacifier inside. She looked up at me with questioning eyes. "Paci inside my bunny?" she asked uneasily. I reassured Addison that she indeed still had her pacifier, and she could hold it, hug it and sleep with it in a new big girl way. She seemed pleased with that answer and was eager to go through the rest of the steps of turning her little floppy stuffed animal into the perfect little friend to take home.

Lorelei was more than happy to show her the ropes of how everything worked. She knew more than I did. Not surprising. She even helped Addison try to decide on an outfit to dress her bunny in.

Even though she had no idea what the computers were for, she and Lorelei were MORE than excited to sit and 'help' push buttons. Addison named her new little friend Paci-Bunny. How very creative, right? haha

Being the great big sister that she is, Lorelei offered to carry it out to the car. Which she did, through the entire mall and all the people, she drug the little bunny and the little house behind her.

Once in the car, Addison was so happy to hold Paci-Bunny and carefully inspect and explore the beautiful princess ballerina outfit she chose. She was so proud of herself. "Paci in it bunny." she said over and over.

The first nap without her pacifier was a tough one. It took me three hours to get her to sleep. I held her and rocked her, sang to her and everything. I ended up standing in the pitch black bathroom, singing and rocking, when she finally passed out from exhaustion. She slept for less than an hour, but it was a success. She fell asleep without her pacifier! When she woke up, we made a big deal about how big she was now. Each time she went to sleep, it got easier and easier, and after day two, she was just fine.

Admittedly, that first couple of days were hilarious as we watched her struggle with the love/hate relationship with Paci-Bunny. She sincerely loved the bunny, but angrily resented the fact that the Paci-Bunny wouldn't give her pacifier back.

I knew that wouldn't last. As soon as she was fine without her pacifier in her mouth, she would love the bunny and find comfort in it rather than the pacifier. Sure enough- she loves her little bunny and often reminds me that her pacifier is still inside because she's big now and doesn't need it.

About a week after Addison got Paci-Bunny, I came downstairs to find both dogs looking very guilty. They were standing over the bunny, just looking up at me like they knew the were doing something wrong. I grabbed the bunny and it was soaking wet with dog slobber. I scolded them pups, put the bunny up on the back of the couch for safe keeping and continued doing what I had been busy with. While the dogs knew better than to get on the furniture, they seemed to have no problem doing so in order to get the bunny down for some more play time. This is what I found...

I knew I had to somehow sew it and wash it before Addison would realize it was missing. If she saw this, she would first be devastated. Then she would get over that real quick once she realized she could finally get her pacifier out. Needless to say, I stayed up extra late sewing, washing, and drying Paci-Bunny to be sure Addison was none the wiser.

The extents we go to hide little things from our children... :) Little things like this make me so proud to be a mother. And I couldn't ask for a more wonderful little two year to brighten my life and bring me so much joy.