Tuesday, August 7, 2012

gotta love life in the Army

Throughout the whole first part of the pregnancy Christopher’s chain of command was talking a lot of sending him to Ranger school. They’d bring it up and then it would get dropped. Then they’d bring it up again and then drop it. It went back and forth for a few months. As time went on, I knew he needed to go by June. While I knew it was a really great opportunity for him, I also knew that Ranger school and the Pre-Ranger course that he’d have to go to first take months.  If he left in June, he would miss the entire second half of the pregnancy and barely make it back in time for the baby to be born potentially. I was so torn between my own selfishness and wanting him to have every chance to progress and succeed in his career. And I knew the longer they waited to send him, the greater the chance of him missing the baby being born. I’m not going to lie, that was a struggle for both of our hearts as we tried to just trust God and go with whatever was required of Chris.

One afternoon Chris walked in the house and said, “Well... I have some bad news and some possible good news.”  I looked at him questioningly and he said, “First, I’m definitely not going to Ranger school. I just came down on orders for Korea. That’s the bad news.” I asked when he had to go, and he said he had to report there mid September. I’m due mid October. I think I said, “Are you freaking kidding me?!” to which he calmly replied, “Yeah, because that’s something I’d joke about, Babe.” Oh.. yeah... touche´. “So what’s the good news?” I asked, feeling totally deflated. “Well, 1st Sgt. is pissed that they gave me orders and he is doesn’t want me leaving, so he’s going to try getting them cancelled.”  That made me feel a little better, but the bottom line was Chris was on orders to Korea and would be gone before the baby was born. I knew something like Korea would happen at some point, so I wasn’t surprised, and I was sad about it. But my hopes were up so high that his orders would be such that he could be here for the baby to be born. Not only did I refuse (at that point) to have the baby alone, I couldn’t imagine going through it all without him by my side. And worst of all, the idea of him not being able to meet his son for an entire year just killed me.

Over the following weeks, Chris’ chain of command made several attempts to keep him here at Fort Bragg. I just have to say, it’s very flattering when your entire chain of command is willing to fight not to lose you. What a compliment for Christopher! But at the same time, we’d been here for two years and he hasn’t had to go anywhere.. we knew something like this was coming and we were okay with that. We just wanted to do what we could to ensure him being around for the birth of our son.  So, back and forth the battle waged between his chain of command and the HRC rep (human resource something or other.. the guy who decides the orders). To no avail, they couldn’t get his orders cancelled. He was going. In honestly, we were fine with it. We just wanted the chance to work on the timing. Chris was finally allowed to file for a deferment, meaning he’d get to report to Korea at a later date on account of having a baby on the way. He had asked for 90 days, and they only gave him 60. It was enough for him to be here for the baby’s birth, which was really great! However, it’s definitely cutting it close as far as the birth, me being cleared to travel so soon afterwards, moving cross country, getting moved in and settled in our new house, all in time for him to leave for Korea when he needs to.  So, we are planning what we can based off the extra 60 days he’s got stateside and trusting God to handle the details along the way.

Chris and I decided it would be best if the kids and I were in California while he’s gone, and part of me is really excited about that. Of course I am going to miss him, but this is what we signed up for and I know we can handle it just fine. We’re happy to serve the way we do, even when it means sacrifice.  I am thrilled to be around so much family during that time. Especially for the kids. Lorelei and Addison will adjust so much better to everything with us being there as opposed to staying here. We are so blessed to have found a place at Hume to rent so we can be ‘home’.

Lorelei is going to be in Kindergarten there, and I can hardly wait. She will have the best teachers and a small class... it’s perfect for her. And Addison is thrilled to be able to go to preschool at Hume. Here at Fort Bragg, she is a little too young to start preschool this year. She misses the cut-off date by just a couple of weeks. Hume is going to be a blessing in so many ways!

So many of the crazy details have changed so often throughout this process, I am excited as we nail each one down and call it ‘planned’. We have a busy and chaotic road ahead of us we we try our best to navigate the move and planning along side the baby being born and my high risk pregnancy.  What’s life without a little adventure, anyway?

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