Friday, November 2, 2012

Intro to Thankfulness

Every year I watch people use the month of November to name the things they’re thankful for each day.  Obviously being thankful is something that should be a day to day, moment to moment emotion. So in one respect listing the things you’re most thankful for during the month of November seems a little cliche. However, I do think it’s a great opportunity and even discipline, to stop and really consider what our hearts are thankful for.  ..and perhaps what they’re not.  Having to daily sit down and tell about a specific blessing- or even challenge- in our lives that we give thanks for might just give a fresh perspective. 

I decided that this year the girls and I would do something similar. In our house we talk a lot about having a thankful heart. The girls are big enough to understand the holiday of Thanksgiving beyond the turkey and stuffing. Despite their answer when I asked them this morning, they understand that it’s a day to be thankful for all our blessings. To really dive in with them, I will have the girls also tell what they are thankful for each day and I’ll add that to my blog.  Knowing my children, this could be pretty interesting.

Me- “What is Thanksgiving and why do we celebrate it?”

Lorelei- "It means that winter is here and Thanksgiving is when you celebrate being thankful for chicken and stuff."

Addison- "Snow! And after Thanksgiving it means we are moving to Hume Lake!"

Clearly we're off to a fantastic and well grounded start.  Umm... what?  

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